We are just 12 hours away from Andrew completing his second full week on the job. It has been (and will continue to be) a pretty intense summer with his crazy hours. We are living on miracles, he and I. Neither of us get much sleep these days; Emily is waking up so often I usually don’t even have time to fall asleep in between and is ready to get running around 6:30am. Andrew has only had about 4 hours of sleep by this time if he is lucky, and tries to grab a few more before he takes off for another 12-16 hour day away from home. The amazing thing is that I feel genuinely happy. There have been a few touch and go moments when I discover a new challenge ahead, but really, I am at total peace and know this is what we should be doing. The only explanation for that is miracles are coming our way by the bucket-full. I did put the milk away in the pantry yesterday morning though.
Now onto the pictures.
Somehow this adventure slipped through the cracks. A week before finals, the class Andrew teaches had an open house showcasing the projects his students have been working on this semester, along with the other sections taught by other professors and graduate students. Emily and I ventured out to see some of his students’ work and eat pizza. Emily even tried a bit of crust and loved it. On our walk home it was around 30 degrees – freezing for May! I was so not prepared.
I left Andrew with Emily and some other graduate students for a bit and they put her on top of the empty pizza boxes and sent me this picture. The stack went from the floor to Andrew’s shoulder.
Now back to Kansas.
Emily is so curious, which is wonderful and so fun to see. But Emily also needs new things to be curious about otherwise she is bored and fussy. Favorites from yesterday would be the new package of toilet paper and a plastic cup. Thank you thirty minutes of entertainment!
Emily found the one place in our apartment where she can pull herself up. She just crawled right over and stood there, like she had been doing it for years. She looks so grown up. I wish the metal lip didn’t terrify me so much because I’m pretty sure she would be happy to stand there all day.
Emily is quite good to hang out while I eat breakfast. A few days ago she just crawled over to her stroller, popped her feet up on the foot rest and wheel, and chewed on her spoon. It’s always the little things. We now play the game Can Mom Button up Emily Before She Turns Over and Crawls Away?
Last Saturday we went to a couple of parks to help break the day up and explore the area a bit more. Emily is still a very focused and serious kid outside, just taking in the world.
For a short minute I got a few smiles and excited talk!
The aftermath of Emily discovering where her clothes and diapers are kept. This was actually her very first day crawling and the day that her first tooth cut through. It was a whopper 36 hours leading up to both accomplishments.
She used the box the socks are stored in as a drum for a good while.
On Wednesday we were able to go out to lunch with Andrew and the other techs for reaching their installation goal last week (which really means the salesmen met their goal). Before lunch Emily and I went over to the garage with Andrew where they restock their supplies each day. It really is an impressive amount of equipment.
Our first taste of BBQ was a delicious success.
The restaurant had a fancy sling for Emily’s carseat to sit in, a contraption I’ve never seen before. It was so nice because she slept for the first thirty minutes and then it took awhile for her to get her bearings. She then had a blast grabbing the lettuce off my plate, waving it around, and trying a few pieces. She is not a fan of pickles.
Emily is amazingly mobile with her newfound crawling abilities. She sneaks up on me now or disappears, depending on her adventuring mood.
Proof that Andrew has actually spent time awake in our apartment. He was still working, but at least he was here! Also Emily’s disaster radius is increasing each day which is fun to watch, especially because we only have a handful of items and it takes 30 seconds to clean everything up.
wow. She’s getting so big!
I know! I think about her running around with Levi and Cambria in August all the time.