Homeschool prep while learning from BBD about how to launch the 2020 planners.

Building a huge buffet cabinet for our dining room to give us more storage space for dishes that the kids can help us put away.

The back of our house is covered with chrysalises and emerging moths.

A wheelbug! We make new bug discoveries every week!

Getting ready to paint the dining room. The kids and I have gone to and from Lowes many times trying to figure out what color to go with.

A little green stretch near the Atlanta Temple that the kids and I go to while Andrew does initiatories.

We went to Bear Hollow Zoo and found a pond full of turtles.

Emily has started going to ballet class at East Athens Community Ballet.

Andrew hauling wood for the dining room cabinet. It is a huge project.

Hair cuts all around!

We see lots of deer around our neighborhood on a regular basis.

The moving boxes and lent themselves to lots of building.

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