This week I’ve had to slow down and step back just a little bit to recuperate from our lifestyle this summer and gear up for the busy weeks ahead. Plus I discovered Emily’s second tooth today, which explains why we haven’t been getting much sleep at night.
There has been a lot of book reading for us girls. Andrew and I watched the new lego movie together and enjoyed reminiscing about our own legos and laughing at the endless jokes.
Emily loves walking around with our assistance. She is also getting the hang of standing. She stood for about 10 seconds the other day without holding onto anything.
Emily has been tired too, so she has been hanging out a lot in the baby carrier while I work around the house. I love having my little buddy with me; dishes have never been so fun to wash (that is partly because we have a dishwasher for the first time in years). When we fold laundry she has started using clothes to play peek-a-boo with. I also put her hair in a ponytail for the first time and she didn’t seem to mind one bit.
We have been making lots of cookies over here to use up the flour before we move. But really we just like peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. Emily is a natural at sneaking little tastes from the bowl.
Towards the end of our time in Utah, Emily began noticing dogs. Now it appears that her first word is “dog”, and she loves seeing them. We decided with the sudden interest in animals that the Deanna Rose farm would be more fun to take her to now. We went on Tuesday and Emily really liked the smaller animals that could maybe resemble dogs, like goats and chicken.
I totally made almost the same cookies the other day! With chocolate and peanut butter chips. (Surprising since I never bake . . . which is a story for you sometime.)