Emily does not like hats, so I was surprised when she found a headband and put it on her head and ran around. She still doesn’t like it when we put hats/headbands on her, but if she finds it she loves putting it on and wearing it.
Emily has become my dish washing buddy! This often ends in both of us needing a complete change of clothes because we are so wet, but it sure is fun to get things done and watch Emily enjoy playing in the water.
A few weeks ago I tried to put pigtails in Emily’s hair. I didn’t think I would care too much about doing her hair, but once the pigtails were in I couldn’t get over the cuteness of it! She has been really good about sitting still while I do her hair so far.
Emily insisted on wearing her boots once she found them, took the keys, and after wandering around for a long time she made herself comfortable on the couch.
Emily loves collecting sticks, measuring spoons, pencils, spoons, pens, and combs in the morning and walking around with all her little treasures.
While I was unpacking some boxes upstairs, Emily found our safety glasses and put them on and then helped me put some on too.
Emily loves bringing a book to our bed and reading in the afternoon, snuggled into the pillows.
Emily has been joining me while I’m cooking in the kitchen. She recently discovered both the silverware and oven mitts drawers and spent twenty minutes emptying them onto the floor.
Sitting on the best seat around with a good friend.
Emily and Andrew bringing home some delicious french bread.
Reading books.
Emily has taken a liking to brushing her teeth. It took awhile for her to even let us put the toothbrush in her mouth, but once she realized water was in the toothbrush she began loving getting her teeth brushed. She now gets the water and brushes the teeth herself.
Emily is good to remind us when we are brushing our teeth that she should be brushing hers too.
Playing the piano with friends. Emily loves playing the piano by herself and also with us. She will sit there for a LONG time plunking away at the keys. Her favorites are the high notes right now.
Emily still loves playing peek-a-boo with us.
A few days ago while I was washing dishes Emily went to and from the closet with pieces of candy and carefully put them one at a time through the back of the chair in the kitchen. She has no idea what candy is so the filled wrappers have provided weeks of entertainment.
Emily and Andrew played in a box for awhile on Sunday. Here they paused for a photo op and Emily posed for him.
The first real snow of the season came last night. Today we woke up to temperatures in the teens and made a quick dash from the house to the car to go to lap time at the library. I was really struggling with getting all the ice off the car, but after a quick prayer, I was amazed to see the ice just fall off the car. I’m so grateful for everyday miracles.
Not pictured: Saturday night we picked up a pizza to celebrate all the the cleaning we had done and not get any more dishes dirty. Emily ate a HUGE piece of pizza and one and a half bread sticks. She also added “pizza” to her signing repertoire.
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