I feel like we are finally starting to achieve some level of normalcy post hospital.
I’ve been venturing out on walks with Emily and Nathan.
Emily, Nathan and I have been enjoying the excuse of Christmas movies to cuddle on the couch. We made homemade crackers and then watched the Mormon tabernacle choir sing with the muppets. She LOVED the singing and the dancing and no other movie has topped that.
Nathan rolled from his back to his side so I was celebrating with him. Emily jumped in and wanted to get her picture taken rolling over too.
Emily hopped up on the chair and asked for me to take a picture so she could see it. Lately she likes to wear her swimsuit and then be tucked in with Nathan’s blanket.
This is what happens when we all work on getting Emily settled for the night: the power of positive suggestion reduced to “everyone else is doing it”.
We finally got outside the first week of Decemer and cleaned out the garden. It felt soooo good to work outside. In reality it was only a few minutes for me and then Nathan needed to eat, followed by him hanging out in the wrap while I worked a little more. I’m always incredibly grateful for Andrew in these moments who can accomplish eight times the amount of work in a fraction of the time and is excited about it too. Emily was thrilled to be digging in the dirt again and helping clean up all the leaves. We found our kale and spinach plants we thought the cucumbers has killed by taking over their space.
Nathan awake, dressed for the outdoors. Seeing his eyes during the day is such a novelty still.
Andew wnd Emily playing basketball together in the living room.
Andrew 3D printed an orange peeler he designed. It works well and inspired Emily to learn how to peel her own “tiny oranges”. She still needs a little assistance, but is amazing how much of the kitchen I can clean while she works and eats next to Nathan.
Emily laid down on some pillows and asked to be tucked in. When all was said and done she had a very comphy bed for watrching a movie while I had an existing moment on the couch with Nathan.
The two guys hanging out before bed.
Nathan joining us at breakfast. He is pretty good to wake up before Emily and then she joins us right about the time he finishes.
Emily wanted some ribbons in her hair so I pulled out the bag Aunt Christine had handed down to her. She was in ribbon heaven but was mostly interested in wearing them like a belt.
An attempt during my really sick days to do an activity with Emily. She enjoyed it for about ten minutes and then was off again.
It feels really good to be venturing out of the bedroom and having a normal life with a toddler and newborn.
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