2013 has started off quite well for this Jackson family. First big news item: we were blessed with a washer and dryer! Andrew and his dad spent a lot of time getting them up and running. It is amazing at how convenient laundry can be and we are so grateful for this addition to our home.
Andrew went back to teaching the Wednesday right after the New Year. That left me just enough time to start a sewing project for some friends. It turned out I hadn’t collected much by way of sewing supplies as I took daily trips to complete my project. I greatly enjoyed working with my hands after spending so much time on computer related projects. Sewing reminds me of wood shop, which is a significantly different perspective than I had before my college classes.
And then student teaching began! The first two days have gone well (granted I am just observing for the first week and a half) and I am really excited that I am going to be teaching a unit on web design and a unit on sound recording. On the first day I was outfitted with a temporary faculty parking pass and given a substitute teacher badge to wear so that I don’t get in trouble for being in the school. I feel official. I am enjoying creating lesson plans and figuring out the best way to teach concepts. I have great hopes for my first seven weeks in the high school.
With a high school schedule I get home by 3:30 (after picking up Andrew) so for the first time since starting college I actually have time to make dinner. Today was a chicken curry stir fry.
Good things keep coming!
that food looks really yummy!
You’re not dead tired when you get home?
Not yet, but I sit at a computer and observe while they are reviewing for state tests and putting their quarter end portfolios together. I’m sure I’ll feel differently in a week when I’m teaching all day!