So this was actually the very end of September, but it is close enough. Andrew took me to my first very really loud rock (at least I think that is what it was) concert. It was VERY loud. And fun. There was a plethora of people watching material. Imagine Dragons and Group Love played, and lots of other bands, but those are the only names I remember.
After the concert I went with Andrew’s mom to the General Relief Society meeting at the Conference Center. It was an amazing and humbling experience to be in the company of so many faithful women.
On Oct 3, I had the opportunity to have surgery to remove a cyst from my wrist. I had the cast on for 10 days.
And then they just cut off the wrappings and sent me on my way! Andrew calls this my Zombie hand. It is hard to tell, but my hand is pretty swollen and misshapen. We went straight from the doctors to Grandma Snow’s funeral.
A few weeks later, the bandage protecting the dissolving stitches came off and it is just a little bit bruised. Otherwise all is well.
And jumping straight from surgery to food… Andrew experimented in the kitchen and made a really delicious lemonade chicken.
We celebrated my 22nd birthday! I made the traditional Moose Ice Cream Cake and rather enjoyed my mint chocolate chip, oreo, and fudge celebratory dessert.
I was able to talk to my family and open the presents they sent me on my birthday. Upon unwrapping the below gifts, I discovered I now had my own copies of Toy story, Sound of Music (with lots of special features) and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang – my DVD library is growing with childhood (and now) favorites!!! There was also popcorn and a redbox code for a free rental with each one from off the back of frozen pizza boxes that my brother ate :) I have the best family!
Andrew took me to Color Me Mine for our celebration. Pictures of our fabulous work coming soon (once we pick up our fired ceramic masterpiece on Wednesday).
Also this month Andrew joined the ward flag football team. They’ve been doing really well this season and the tournament starts in the near future! This is a great ward hobby – the men play football while the wives sit on the sidelines and chat. I’m a huge fan.
I love fall and walking to and from campus in the leaves everyday. I really really really love fall. Or did I already mention that?
Andrew and I have been to two halloween parties this year. For a party with some of Andrew’s cousins and friends, Andrew was Neil Caffrey from the TV show White Collar and I was the behind the scenes boom mic operator.
For the ward Halloween Party, we borrowed Batman and Robin costumes. They were pretty cool, but I haven’t seen the show since I was a little kid so I was having a bit of an identity crisis, not knowing anything about Robin.
It’s been a very full month with school and work and lots of fun. Now bring on November!!!
You made October sound exceptionally wonderful, considering all that happened in the month. You’ve always been an optimist! Glad you’ve had a great month. :-)