Dear Laura,
We are so grateful you are in our home. This last month has passed so quickly and yet it feels like you’ve been with us forever. Emily and Nathan love you so much and are fantastic older siblings. Emily makes sure you have warm wipes at diaper changes and new clothes every morning. Nathan makes note of where you are at and tells us when you are crying. You are also very patient with them showing you their favorite toys and getting really close to talk to you.
I’m seeing patterns that started when you were still growing inside me. You moved and stretched out loads when you had lots of space. As you got bigger you moved less, but you fought against contractions as you tired from the days of squeezing. Now you are perfectly content, and prefer, to lay out on a blanket where you stretch out. You aren’t a huge fan of being carried in a wrap – too confining – but you enjoy being held upright against our chest the best. It is fun to see you getting stronger and holding your head up in longer stretches.
You are still eating pretty consistently in three hour stretches. At night you will sleep as long as 5 or maybe 6 hours. You still sleep a lot during the day but usually are up for awhile in the morning and then again in the evening with a nice long nap in between. Spitting up has been a very occasional occurrence and you’ve only had one diaper blow out so far. Dad was changing your diaper and announced the situation and then we both froze for thirty seconds, feeling a bit rusty.
Generally speaking you are content and calm. We are figuring out your cries for being hungry, tired, or uncomfortable and that is about the only time you cry. Every once in awhile we hear you coo and its fun to hear a tiny bit of your voice. You’ve had a cold this week but haven’t complained about it.
Every once in awhile we see little smiles and everyone gets excited. Nathan ran to me to me yesterday and said, “Laura. Smiled. Me!” You are already the source of so much joy, love, and peace in our family.
Laura we love you so very, very much.
Emily ran down to take pictures with you.
I love to see your beautiful children on my email, and read your descerning comments. Thank you very much. It has to be a very Merry Christmas at your home. Love you.