We cannot believe just how wonderful you are. Heavenly Father sent your precious spirit to join our home and we are amazed at your personality. From the moment you were born you have been content observing the world around you. You only cry when you are really hungry and you give us enough warning that if we are really on top of things we can go hours without hearing you cry. The first few days it was pretty clear you had the same waking/sleeping pattern you did in the womb and so you and I hung out in the middle of the night like we always do, but this time Dad joined in on the fun. You started sleeping in 4 hour increments a few nights ago and stay awake a couple hours at a time during the day. I appreciate that after you eat I can put you in the crib while you are still awake and you put yourself to sleep!
We love watching you make all sorts of faces and trying out how to get your hands to your mouth. We love your snuggles and how you put your arm on ours. We think it is pretty great when you are wide awake and so relaxed that you sprawl out on us. We love your soft curly hair that sticks all over the place when it dries. We love your LONG legs. We love your round face.
Today you weigh 7lbs 12.8oz, meaning that you have surpassed your birth weight by 1.8oz in the first week instead of the usual two. You have also grown 3/4 in, making your length 20 3/4 inches. You already look so much bigger than when you were born and we think you keep getting cuter with each day.
It is pretty incredible to be your parents. It is a new experience to be the one that you want when you need some love. On the first day at the hospital it became very clear you knew us after all the time we spent together before you arrived. We love you so much!
This picture was taken today at almost the same time you were born last week.
Your Uncle Derick is on a two year mission in Florida. Two weeks ago he sent me a quick note:
“I hope it all goes well if Emily decides to pop into the world this week! she better be on a skateboard by the end of next week! and if she doesn’t come this week I’ll give you a one week extension of the skateboarding :P”
We needed the one week extension but here you are showing Uncle Derick your moves!
Love you Emily!
I love the updates. I can’t believe how very cute she is. Already riding a skate board is pretty impressive!
OH my GOODNESS!! She is absolutely gorgeous and your pictures are beyond darling. I am so happy for you and glad that Emily is being gentle on your recovering body!!
Miss you lots. I can’t believe you are a mom and I am SOO happy for you Jessica! And Andrew! :) YAY. Cutest pictures ever.
What a beautiful letter to a beautiful daughter. So well written. She is precious. And that is the cutest skate board picture. :)
So exciting! Congratulations!!
Jessica! What a cutie :) congratulations. You made it! Way to go momma :) It only gets better (at least up to four months)
Oh my goodness! Derick must be so proud!!! Ha! How cute! Well done! ;)
Congrats! So so happy for you! She is precious!