You are truly a blessing in our home, a gift from Heavenly Father. You have brought our family closer together and have already shared such joy with your presence. You are also drawing us closer to our Savior and for that we are very grateful.
Nathan you are a sweet boy. You give the most wonderful one arm hugs that do wonders for my soul. You only cry during diaper changes and when you have to wait a really really really long time to eat, or if you have a bubble in your tummy. Your cries are very distinct and we haven’t had any problem figuring out your needs.
You sleep a lot and are probably only awake 2-3 hours a day total. Occasionally we call you night owl Nathan because you sleep all day and save your 1 1/2 hour stretches for the night. You are good to lay in your crib for a little while after you eat, and then you shout out for us to come get you. Fortunetly this has only been the case for a few nights. We struggled for about the first 24 hours with nursing and then something clicked and you eat like a champ with a perfect latch.
Nathan I am so excited to watch you grow and develop and see your personality unfold. You seem quiet and steady with an intense gaze as you take in the world. You are a special boy, Nathan, and we are so glad you are part of our family.
Oh cute!!!
OOOHHH! I just wanna hug that sweetness. What beautiful pictures and words! So glad to hear you all are beginning to adjust to a new little one! (Seriously, though. Those cheeks! I just wanna smooch ’em and hold him!!… okay. I’ll get a hold of myself now)
He is so precious!! Enjoy him.