This last Thursday, August 20, marked the day of our fourth wedding anniversary. It was very full day, but Emily and I made dinner together with apple crisp for a special treat and Andrew arrived home just in time to join us. We talked with Emily about this being our family birthday party (and she had us join her in signing “party” for awhile). We told the story of how Andrew and I met and all the things we did together when we were dating. About the time we hit me going to Jerusalem she started asking about Emily joining the story, so we completed it with “then we got married and two years later Emily joined our family.” It was a good introduction to how our family got started.
It is amazing how far we’ve come as a family. Every year we know a little bit more what it means to be a Jackson. I love watching us grow together and develop as a family. I love seeing the potential that each one of us has. Most importantly, I love Andrew more and more and am constantly grateful that we chose each other. He is absolutely amazing and I am one lucky girl.
We did enjoy the apple crisp as the final part of our night. The intention was to blow out four candles, but they melted into the apple crisp before we could even think about lighting them. I suppose if I had given the scenario any thought at all I would have figured out the outcome. The good news is Emily loved playing with the melted candles, so it all worked out in the end.
What a cute story! I can’t believe it has been 4 years Jess! That’s amazing. I love the way you wrote this.