One of my favorite things about being a mom is watching Emily explore the world around her. One of the challenges of being a mom is trying to find things for her to explore. Often the things she finds fascinating are big surprises to Andrew and I and provides us all with lots of entertainment.
Last week we picked up a watermelon. It was love at first sight; it sat next to Emily in the cart and became her drum. This watermelon stayed on the floor for almost a week because she loved it so much.
In a hour of desperation, I put Emily in a box and poured in some oatmeal. An edible sandbox!
Day two Emily poured the oatmeal all over the floor and it became even cooler. I highly recommend this activity.
My grandmother’s home is the perfect place for children of all ages to let their imagination’s grow. With my own history of playing in that very home with many of the same toys, it was a surreal and wonderful experience sharing my favorite place in the world with my daughter. She clearly loves it as much as I do.
As much fun as it is to watch Emily play, I really love it when we get to play together. Yesterday she initiated peek-a-boo for the first time ever. Now that was a magic moment. Also she has spent the last week clicking her tongue, smacking her lips, and babbling with “l”s so it sounds like “loliloliloilloo”. I love watching this girl grow.
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