Right now our lives our full of rocks. They are everywhere. In the cupholder in Emily’s carseat and in the sides of the car doors. Underneath the kitchen table. In pockets of every coat. In the bathroom. On our bedroom floor. Tucked between the layers of blankets in Emily’s bed. In Emily’s backpack. On the the couch cushions. In Emily’s red purse. On the kitchen counter.
Some are babies, carefully swaddled in hats, socks, tissues, baby wipes, or towels. Some are phones or itouches or even ipads. Some or otoscopes or stethoscopes. Some are timers. Some are cars.
Some are really tiny and some are very big and heavy. Currently she has two huge baby rocks, one swaddled in a boat blanket and the other in a blue hand towel filling up her backpack, weighing between 5-10 pounds I would guess. There are also a couple in the smaller pocket in the front.
In an effort to contain the rock collection, I suggested we try and put them all in one place. As I walked around the house I realized we are super far from containment.
I love that she loves rocks. I love that they become all sorts of things. I hope this phase lasts a little bit longer.
Fun phase. :) I love that last picture of her too! She is beautiful!