Our Family Home Evening this last Monday was so epic it gets its own post!
We joined our next door neighbors for a lesson and then went out to the Provo River trail to start the night off with longboarding. Neither Andrew nor I had ever set foot on one previously, so there were some nerves. Turns out it has a very similar feel to snowboarding. We didn’t go on any big hills at first, but we were still able to get a good amount of speed. Now there were only two long boards, so we Jacksons supplemented the adventure with a RipStik that my brother found in Idaho and brought down for us to try (it is kind of like a skateboard but it only has one wheel on each end of the board and you have to swivel really fast to get moving) and my old skateboard that I built in high school.
We continued down the trail until finding two trees that were not too wide around and not to far apart, but strong, so that we could set up our new toy: the slackline. It had just arrived in the mail that day so we didn’t want to wait any longer to try it out. For those of you that have no idea what slacklining is, here is a short video (made not by us, youtube special):
We are not quite that good yet. In fact we are still trying to figure out how the whole standing thing works. It is super fun though and you don’t want to stop until you’ve got something as simple as balancing down.
Because there were four of us there we found that was some time to practice patience. Thankfully someone had already put a HUGE swing in a tree nearby to keep us entertained.
After our legs turned to jelly we decided to head to Jamba Juice for our family home evening refreshments and utilize the buy-one-get-one free offer! Refreshed, we headed to down town Provo to find a parking garage to continue the fun for the evening. We went to the very top of the six stories with the long boards and then road down on our backs, weaving around the different polls. SO FUN!!!!
There is nothing like spending an evening outside and PLAYING. I highly recommend it!
That’s so fun! I got a slackline for my birthday this year and I love it! What a fun FHE :)