Dear Nathan,
You are growing and changing so much these days. You are super tall and the clothes that fit you best for length are 12 months, though I’m still putting you in 6 month size onsies and just tucking in the tails the best I can.
It looks like you are moments away from crawling. You can get up on your hands and knees and rock and you also plank and rock on your hands and toes. It is very impressive. You spend an hour or two at a time just exploring the floor and finding new things to put in your mouth, and thanks to Emily, the landscape of our front room is constantly changing. You are diligent in moving forward to reach the things you want and still whip out some pretty impressive rolls when needed. You are curious and purposeful in where you are heading and want to pick up certain things and are starting to care if we take something out of your reach.
You have begun eating in earnest. If you see us eating and you aren’t you start a bit of a shout. Once the food is in front of you, we can’t get the spoon in your mouth fast enough and the second we take it out, you start yelling “aaaaahhhhh” with a wide open mouth until we get more. If you aren’t completely starving or are tired, it comes out more in a desperate moan. For the most part, you move your hands out of the way and open your mouth without any encouragement; it didn’t take you too long at all to figure out this whole eating thing. We put some food on your plate for you to try and eat yourself. If it is a big solid piece like a carrot or cucumber you have little problem getting it to your mouth to chew on. A soft piece of sweet potato gets thoughtfully squished in your fist while you try and bring it to your mouth with no eating success so far – you need to figure out how to twist your hand around and you are close to that.
You are starting to laugh more, though not super often still and we are always surprised at what gets you started. You get really excited when we shake a blanket above your body and move your arms and legs like crazy, smile, and make excited noises. This usually turns into a big game with you and Emily laying on mom and dad’s bed and me shaking the top sheet over both of you with an occasional “peek-a-boo”. As long as you have something to chew on (normally a soft book), you will listen and look at books we read with real interest. You like it when we sing and sometimes you join in or continue when we stop. Nathan you are a fairly patient fellow with your big sister who likes to lay next to/on/over you and sometimes it even creates laughter. Often though you are quiet until you see me and then a little desperate cry begins, unless you actually get squished and then you cry out sooner.
This past month started really rough in the sleeping department, which was more like the screaming department. One night you basically screamed hysterically until 1am. The next couple of nights only lasted two or so hours. Since then you’ve kept the hysterics to less than an hour (usually). It has been a little rough because nothing we do seems to comfort you so it ends with you crying it out in bed. Anytime we go in it starts you back to square one and the crying lasts longer. We really don’t like letting you cry for hours, but the silver lining is that you are starting to sleep a lot better at night and wake up happier. It is normal for me to feed you between 1-2am and then between 4-5am.
Nathan you are a fantastic stroller, ergo, carseat rider. You are content to chew on a strap during the ride, occasionally fall asleep on a long trip, and you wake up the very second we stop moving. Emily has started pushing you around in the umbrella stroller and you don’t seem to mind when she accidentally bumps you into something and you give big smiles when she runs you a good distance or when you see us as you pass by.
You are starting to take notice in our absence and are very excited when we return. You make us all feel really loved and special with your whole body lighting up. You love being kissed on the cheek, lifted up and down in the air, and tickled.
Nathan we are grateful for the calm, loving, adventurous boy that you are.
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