Dear Laura,
Six months came so quickly. You’ve discovered so many fun things in the last few weeks. You are grabbing things very quickly now and are fascinated by different sounds and textures. It amazes me what you are able to find by pushing yourself around on your back with your legs and waving your arms around. When you find something you really like you roll onto your side to study it further.
If you can get something into your mouth you put it there right away. You are teething in earnest. You have at least one tooth just sitting beneath your gums. Sometimes it bothers you a lot (slight fever, runny nose, a little grumpy, want to be held all the time), but other times it doesn’t phase you.
You are very chatty and say, “da-da-da-da” a lot. Your spontaneous laughter has us all doing silly things to get you started. You have also mastered smacking your lips together and showering us with spit.
Rolling over is becoming second nature for you and your tolerance for time on your tummy has increased dramatically. You occasionally roll over to sleep on your stomach and I’m amazed at how old you look.
Sleeping has been much improved in the last few weeks. We moved you into your own bedroom a few weeks ago and you immediately went from waking up every 1-2 hours to only 2-3 times a night! You typically take a longer morning nap around 8:30 or 9am, another 45 minute nap around 12:30, and an late nap between 4:00-5pm. There is a decent amount of variation on those times, but it is a good general guideline.
You’ve had a few tastes of avocado. At first you looked incredibly betrayed that I wasn’t feeding you, but then you started to catch on to the idea of food. Due to the hot weather you’ve also been drinking water a bit from a cup and have taken to it easily.
Laura you are happy and content most of the time. Your whole body lights up and exudes joy when you are with us. We are so grateful for the love that you share in our home.
Love you!
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