On Monday Andrew fell into bed during his 45 minute dinner break between his afternoon and night class. He had thrown up on the way home and then threw up on his way out the door. I put Emily to bed soon after and went to bed myself, not feeling great.
Andrew woke up feeling much better, but my troubles were just getting started. After a few minutes in the shower I was feeling horrible and soon had all the symptoms of a really tough stomach flu. Andrew took Emily to her four month doctors visit without me and I called my mom and cried. My little girl was getting shots and I wouldn’t be there to give her a hug because I felt miserable.
When Andrew returned home (with Gatorade in hand!) it became very clear that there was no way I could take care of Emily. So Andrew cleared his schedule and took care of both of his miserable girls. And did the dishes, laundry, took dinner to the missionaries, and his statistics homework. I slept.
I am so incredibly grateful for Andrew; we just wouldn’t have survived yesterday without him. I know this because I had Emily alone for a few minutes while he was working on homework and that ended with both Emily and myself crying hysterically. I have a long way to go before I have a good handle on being a mom and being sick at the same time.
But less you think the day was all bad, there were a few moments of humor. As Emily was crying, waiting for the Tylenol to kick in, we discovered that the bandaids on her leg lined up perfectly so it looked like Lucy was screaming.
Andrew discovered this was the only position that Emily wasn’t completely upset in. She looks sooooo big to me! Someone recently said that she looks like the gerber baby and every time I look at her now I see the similarities.
Emily woke up at 10 last night and Andrew went to change her diaper. All of a sudden I hear, “Oh no oh no oh no oh no! Jessica?!” I found Emily with a huge smile on her face with large puddle on the changing table and on the floor. She was pleased with her work and thought Andrew was being quite funny. We ended up carrying her half naked to the kitchen floor so I could finish changing her while Andrew cleaned up. We all had a great laugh. It was a good end to a long day.
Oh man!!! Days like that are best looked back on way later on down the road. Yuck!! Thank goodness for screaming bandaids!!!! That always makes me feel better! ;)
I am so sorry! Thank goodness for husbands that can do it all… That’s all I have to say!
Thanks for the laughs too… I needed those
You survived! That’s all that counts on days like that! I sure hope you’re feeling better today.