Andrew decided to take Wednesday off and we took a break from homeschool so that we could build shelves for our food storage closet. The kids helped up empty out the closet, remove the existing shelf, and spackle.
Andrew got things set up outside to cut the 2x3s while the kids help me rearrange my bedroom so that Lydia is further away from Andrew and I and has her own space.
Outside we got everyone arranged to help. Andrew cut wood. I sanded wood and facilitated everyone’s helping. Emily and Laura took turns painting wood. I joined in too – there was a lot to paint. Andrew did a bit of sanding and painting too when he finished cutting.
The kids were also engrossed in many side projects: digging a hole, creating dye from flower petals and experimenting dying fabric, and rehabilitating a butterfly (which tragically died that evening).
When Emily showed me the butterfly it was already struggling a bit. We made a makeshift cage for it on the lawn to protect it from birds, having learned our lesson from the last butterfly that was hurt. We also made some nectar with sugar water. Unfortunately the butterfly got blown into the dish and even though we pulled it out quickly I think it certainly didn’t help the weakend creature.
After quiet time Andrew started installing the wood shelves. He was very patient and let the kids be part of drilling and screwing in the wood.
Laura helped me do some cleaning and making pancakes while we listened to music together.
Thanksgiving morning started with breakfast and a planning session so that everyone had a clear vision for the day.
Once we figured out the order of baking and got a pie in the oven, Emily and I went upstairs so she could make a menu on the computer. This was her first experience with creating a document and it was fun to walk her through the basics and make her idea a reality.
Andrew spent the majority of the morning working on the shelves in the closet and worked making food in the kitchen. The kids went between us and also colored their Thanksgiving coloring pages that we printed out the night before. We listened to music and just all enjoyed being together on this Holiday.
We had a delicious Thanksgiving lunch and remembered all that God has helped us with this past year. We also called Grandma and Grandpa Moose.
After quiet time and naps we enjoyed eating three kinds of pie and reading stories. Emily and I both donned aprons to be waiters and she handed out the dessert menu so everyone could give us their orders to fill.
We ended the afternoon with pin the feathers on the turkey and turkey tag, games Emily made up in our planning meeting on Monday. We had a blast! Turkey tag (which is where two people have socks in their back pocket and run around as the turkey and everyone else chases them and tries to pull out their tail feathers) morphed into our family’s very first game of capture the flag.
I’m so grateful for this absolutely wonderful day. It felt like a real holiday – restful, different, fun – and I’m so grateful for all the people in our home that made it that way.
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