Last night I was up three times with Emily and countless times with Nathan. Someone set the alarm on our clock downstairs and it went off at midnight, which had me running blindly without my glasses with Nathan in my arms, yanking at chords until the noise stopped in hopes that it wouldn’t wake up Emily (pretty sure it did and I was in her room a few minutes later). I think the longest stretch I got was two hours. At 5 when Emily and Nathan were both up long enough to prevent me from falling back asleep, I was feeling like an angry martyr.
Then I realized I had been SERVING all night long. I followed the example of Jesus Christ and I didn’t even have to leave my home or gather work gloves and shovels or prepare lots of food or raise money. Those big service projects bring me joy and I leave feeling full. Last night I served my children patiently and lovingly (despite my initial thoughts and desire to sleep) and I realized I can choose to accept the joy that comes from that service too. I can feel full and happy and grateful after a night of little sleep spent in caring for others.
A few pictures from my run and play at the park time with friends. We are on week two and I’m getting better at running with both kids in the stroller. It feels liberating. And we are figuring out the balance of our kids getting out and feeling the joy of running and exploring outside too!
Jessica! First of all I love your blog and second of all thank you for this post! It was just what I needed to read after serving Nathan every night :)
Thanks Madeline! I hope the nights better soon. Does this mean sleep training is not going well? We NEED to get together soon.