Two years ago today I married the most amazing man. We’ve come a long way since that day. For example:
They had just called for the Jackson side to realign for pictures. Of course I moved out of the way for their family picture. I was still adjusting after 20 minutes of being a Jackson to the fact that I was no longer a Moose. Good thing Andrew was around to keep me where I needed to be.
Andrew also embraced his inner Moose that day. He fits in quite well, don’t you think?
In two years we’ve lived in 3 cities, developed dear friendships, survived some awesome health challenges, played hard and had adventures, traveled the U.S., graduated from college, started graduate school, and are about to welcome a third into our family unit. We’ve gotten closer through the good and bad times. We’ve fallen more in love with each day. And I now answer to Jessica Jackson.
When I think about our first two years of marriage, I am filled with gratitude. I knew Andrew was wonderful before we got married; I just didn’t realize how incredible he truly is. I have been amazed and taught by his kindness, patience, and compassion. I’ve had countless opportunities to grow and change for the better because of who he is. And if it wasn’t for his awesome cooking and dish washing abilities, we would probably have eaten cold cereal out of rubber-maid containers with spatulas for the first 1 1/2 years we were married.
He has a similar list of things he credits me for. Bottom line, neither of us wins the 100% perfection award, but we make a great team and keep each other moving in the right direction. Looking forward to eternity together!
*Thanks again, Ashley and Corina for being wonderful photographers!
That’s the first time I’ve seen any wedding photos!!! They are beautiful!! Thanks for sharing! What a perfect couple. Xoxo