I am surrounded by amazing and inspiring people. This last week I feel like my brain has been so full of wonderful things to think about and ponder. Thought I’d share and pass along a few ideas. Feel free to comment if something sparks another idea.
On Sunday I taught a Relief Society lesson about the importance of work and helping provide for ours and others temporal needs. Actually I learned. One sister shared a story that she heard from her grandma about her childhood. Her grandma grew up with very, very little, finding food on the street to keep from starving in the winter. When her grandma was in her early teenage years, a kind lady from church invited her to come into her closet and pick out anything that she wanted. Her grandmother was eyeing a beautiful turquoise suit that was really expensive. The lady saw she was interested in it and gave it to her.
Don’t give your old jeans, give your best. Give as if it was already theirs. This doesn’t just apply to clothes.
On Tuesday we had a Forum given by Alison-Davis Blake, dean of the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. She spoke about being leaders for good in the business world, but really it applies to all aspects of life. She shared a really powerful quote that is attributed to John Quincy Adams:
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
Does how I live my life inspire others? Or even myself? I do know that I am surrounded at BYU with wonderful leaders who are also wonderful friends. We can all be leaders and rise together.
On a note of doing good and being good, I came across this video about the Helping Hands helping clean up from Hurricane Sandy. It brought back memories from the summer of my junior year of high school when I was able to participate as a helping hand after the Mississippi River flooded. But really this video just inspires me to do better and do more today. Take a few minutes and allow the tears to flow.
Life is really good. Even with the challenges and hard days. And I learn in the hard moments, so I can be grateful for those too.
Thanks for sharing. I also loved the video. A neighbor was just telling me how disappointed they were that FEMA hadn’t done enough. It sounds like the helping hands were there first.