today, I began an incredible journey. I met 30 amazing people (and would soon meet 50 more) on my way to Israel. But today two years ago I made it to the Vienna, Austria airport terminal after making a stop in Denver, CO and Washington D.C. I don’t think I had ever been more nervous in my entire life as when I got on the plane to fly over the ocean. Would I make friends? Would I even like Israel? Would I be safe?
YES. Take a quick peak back into this journey with me:The start of our trip, hanging out in the airport.
Faith and I eating our first falafel.
Under Damascus Gate with amazing roommates Susie and Jamie and our friend, Faith.
Cairo Egypt – with the Pyramids!!!
Yes, yes I’m on a camel.
This picture was featured in the BYU Daily Universe along with our experiences in Egypt with the overthrow of Mubarak. 15 minutes of fame have come and gone.
My Egyptian roommate, Maddi!
The top of Mt. Sinai around 5:30 am. We started the hike at 2 in the morning.
Herding sheep.
Dome of the Rock.
A visit to Bethlehem University.
Our new friends, students at Bethlehem University.
Our home away from home – the bus.
Tunnels under the Western Wall around midnight.
Students at Princess Bosma.
The Garden of Gethsemane, where we spent many Sabbaths.
The Garden Tomb, another favorite Sabbath destination. This picture was taken after we had sung hymns and people from all over the world joined us.
Rachel, Jeni, and myself with our lone cub scout, Kaleb.
Our cub scout building a fire to make pitas on.
Abby, Keri, Nathaniel, and I on the Sea of Galilee.
The three Jessica’s!
At Alladin Money changers. Notice the 100s of US bills I got to hold for this photo op.
A family dinner discussion with Elder Holland.
Palm Sunday.
This is barely a fraction of my pictures and memories. But the most important part of the Jerusalem experience were the relationships that I developed with my professors, their families, the other students, Israeli’s, Palestinians, Egyptians, Jordanians, other tourists, and most importantly, my Savior. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to be in such a wonderful place with so many wonderful people.
And I’m especially grateful that this wonderful man waited for me while I had this adventure.
Oh man, this is all the great stuff I missed while we were in Lebanon. Thanks for doing a flash back! I loved it! We miss you! Ready to jam? Michelle
Always ready to jam! Will you be coming to the states this year?