I recently found The List Andrew and I made when we were first dating. It was our way to keep track of different things we wanted to do and then enjoy the satisfaction of checking them off. This original document quickly morphed into a multi page Google document while I was in Jerusalem and I had no idea that the original survived. For Andrew’s gift I got a frame for our wrinkled notepaper beginnings.
Andrew accidentally stumbled upon game store near our house on the way to campus the day before Valentine’s Day. He found a card game that doesn’t last very long and takes a little bit of strategy, my favorite type of game. It just happened to be called “The Love Letter”, a lucky coincidence. A few days later he also brought home some flowers, just for fun.
I have always thought Valentine’s Day was a bit silly, but this year (after the fact) I had the epiphany that it is an opportunity to establish family traditions for us all to enjoy. So watch out 2016 for some awesome family celebrating.
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