I think I am feeling about as well as I did at 39 weeks pregnant; about as much sleep and about as physically well. I’m ecstatic with the progress and I feel practically normal, since I can’t remember how I felt last December when this road to motherhood started.
To celebrate this progress, Emily and I strolled to and from the library today to pick up a book. She hung out in her homemade moby wrap and stayed awake for the first time and looked around for almost 15 minutes before dozing off. It was so wonderful to just be outside! We had been building up to this adventure with little one mile stretches but today we reached:
While it might not seem that far, it felt like a big accomplishment to Emily and I.
In other news, Emily reached three weeks old on Tuesday. She is starting to make all sorts if fun faces while she is awake. At night when she is in her crib she is also starting to make a few noises, which is fun to hear since so far the only noise we have heard from her is crying.
Also she has continued to keep us busy doing laundry at night. Emily 3, parents 0. By the time morning comes, we give up on redressing her and just layer on the blankets.
2.88 miles?? You go, mama! That’s a MEGA accomplishemnt. Awesome.
Way to go! What a triumph.
Isn’t it funny how pregnancy becomes the new normal and you can’t quite remember how anything felt before?
I’m excited for you as you both get even stronger and a bit more sleep. It’s a rejuvenating process. You deserve to relish every milestone.
I am so glad your apartment has a washer and dryer. :) and also glad that you are feeling good enough to enjoy being outside while the weather stays nice. And again, I love the pictures.
Andrew and I say how grateful we are for those two appliances roughly 8 times a day. I might be low. :)