•Andrew finished his first year of teaching! Memorable part of the experience? Having students yell “Mr. Jackson” in the hallways (and many other public places around town) and give high-fives. Clearly this was a trademark because the cards that he brought home from students either mentioned or illustrated high-fives.
•Beginning this household’s 3-week summer vacation! We are planning on taking advantage of this play time before we land in Indiana July 1st and Andrew jumps right into a job and graduate school.
•Reading Enders Game. Andrew got the book from the library on Thursday and had completed 80% of it by the time I woke up Friday morning. I borrowed it and completed it by Sunday night and Andrew finished Monday morning. It is a thinking book, and we both enjoyed it immensely. Momentary sadness when we realized we will have a newborn when the movie comes out which will complicate the potential for watching it in theaters. Mostly it was strange to realize we would have a baby that soon!
•Watching a play at the Deseret Star Theater called Less Miserable,
a spoof of Les Miserables. We thought about watching the movie before we went for maximum spoof understanding but didn’t, and we were kind of glad of that decision when a lot of the jokes were about the length of the play, over dramatic scenes, and dumb deaths. Fun play enjoyed with with popcorn and a really good berry strudel.
•Hiking. Saturday evening Andrew and I went on a hike at a nearby canyon. It was a beautiful trail and not particularly long, and ended at a lake. I was a little disappointed to discover that pregnancy has taken more of a toll of my joints and lungs than I had realized. Still very enjoyable though!
•Going to the mission farewell talks of three of Andrew’s cousins! They are sisters and the first leaves this Wednesday for the MTC for many months of training to prepare her to serve in Thailand! The other two are twins and will be going to the MTC July 10th and will be serving in Texas and South Carolina. After church we hung out with family and friends, eating delicious food and enjoying fabulous conversation.
We have a lot of fun plans for this upcoming week to look forward too – full reports coming!
Is that hike Bell Canyon? I love that hike! Jordan and I did it last summer.
It was Bell Canyon – I couldn’t remember the name :)
Just wanted to mention that all three of my children attended movies before they were a month old. It’s dark, they slept, or ate, and no one was the wiser.
That’s good to know – I suppose I’m keeping my expectations low so I will be pleasantly surprised if that works out :)