Well this update has been a work in progress for a year, and I’m thrilled to be able to share it with you today! I’ve been blogging about our little family for almost six years now(!) and this space has been growing and changing slowly as our family changes slowly too. I feel like I’m starting to get a handle on how I mother and how I want to mother. I have an idea of the home I want to create with Andrew and the life we want to make together. I’m catching the vision for how this blog can be an active workbook to help me reach the goals and dreams we have for our life.
I will continue to share our daily happenings to stay in touch with family and friends and be our “scrapbook” to print out at the end of the year. But I’m also excited to start branching out and sharing more often about the life we are creating. I’ll be writing more about the books I’m reading and my applications of them (with an updated currently reading list on the sidebar), projects we are working on, things we are investing in to make our lives simpler and more sustainable, easy recipes and food staples that keep our energy up and kitchen filled, and ways we are making family adventures a regular occurrence. I love learning, problem solving, and sharing my discoveries and that is what will be filling a lot of the blog moving forward. I hope you will join in on the conversation and make this a wonderful place for us to learn together.
Thank you for sharing in our family journey. I’m glad you’re here and I’m excited to learn with you more about living a joyful life where good things keep coming.
For the curious – I used the genesis framework and foodie pro 3.o as the foundation for this theme, and then heavily customized it using the functions.php and style.css file. SO MUCH FUN!
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